Part one

Weird book. I don't like it right now. I just finished half of it. I think the writer decided to write this book in the following way -
She told a bunch of people that she is writing a book in which the wife goes missing and asked them to give their possible thoughts on what the plot should be. They all wrote it on a piece of paper and put it in a bowl. She picked up the random chits and wrote the book.
Like oh cheating husband, oh also pregnant wife, oh also crazy hits you husband, and why not add fun-loving husband too, also I think really adding a good relationship with his sister would be nice, a mama's boy, but bad with his father obviously, crazy neighbor, a crazy old boyfriend, and whatnot.

It's filled with cliches.

Part two
I don't know who I should like. Amy or the Nick. Turns out they both are assholes. Nick for cheating on her. And Amy, well saying 'Amy is crazy would be an understatement. She needs help. What the fuck? What is happening? She is so messed up. Framing him like that. I guess she hit her head really hard when she was young. I actually once thought what Nick did was actually not that bad compared to what she is doing. Ok, I will say it this bitch is shit-ass crazy.

Part three
I will strangle her to death. Oh my god, I am so annoyed. So fuckin annoyed. I will break something. I hate Amy. And Nick's father who I didn't like much but he did give her the right name. Dumb bitch. I don't really like to call people bitches like that but I'm sure she deserves it. I am so annoyed. She didn't even get caught. And it's sad for me to say but the child she implanted in herself(yeah that's right) is just a mistake. It's not even his fault that his mother was a total sociopath. He was never supposed to be born. It's sad. But it's not his fault.

Overall it's a long book. Like 400 pages. Read at your own risk. And what was that start? "When I think of my wife, I think of her head" What is that? Who talks like that? Made no sense. I liked Go(that is Nick's sister). Nice girl. And that weirdo neighbor they had. What was her deal? Mind your own business. She was just like all nosy neighbors. The book made me think that maybe marriage is not the right thing to do. You never actually know what they turn out to be.

Thats all for now. Ciao;)


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