One Indian Girl

This book was just something I did not expect it to be. I thought it was about a girl getting married, but it was much more than just that and it was a fun book to read. Kind of eww for me but still ok.

Paper Towns

Was not as great as I expected it to be. Since I really love John Green's writing I had some pretty high expectations but it was just not that good. Quentin was stupid. Very very stupid and I mean I like books that have a chance of being real and I mean I really don't think someone would just be like OH let's go find someone who I'm pretty sure we won't be able to find.

And in the end, it was not worth it cause they didn't end up together which they should have and Margo just acted like a bitch, to be honest.


Just highly overrated. Trust me it's too overrated. And just eww again. Anastasia is stupid. That's all I'm going to say. And that other guy is a freak.

To All the Boys I've loved before

I don't know why so many people like this book? Lara Jean is dumb. And it's not possible in real life so I don't like this book. But the ending made me wanna read the second book. So I did. Also if I had a sister who did this to me I would never talk to her again or maybe even kill her. And it's not right going through other people's stuff. I did like how all 3 sisters loved each other. But C'MON you cant be in love with your sister's bf. NO no, never ever. Everyone knows it's "Sisters before misters" and "Bro before girls"(Cause I'm not saying that word). How in the possible state of mind she could have a crush on him and woah why did he like her back when he and Margo broke up. Like I said just impossible stories. Makes me angry.

To All the boys: P.S. I still love you

Here we see Lara Jean turning into an even dumber person. Really how, just how! can someone be like this? And you are telling me every guy has a crush on her. Please. That Sanderson guy and peter both had a crush on her in middle school? What! what? See this is the kind of impossible shit I don't like. I am very jealous And peter is not the right bf. So many red flags oh my god! He knew it was Gen who leaked the video and he didn't tell her. Weird book.

I'm thinking of Ending things

Loved this book. Didn't understand it much but still, I really liked it. It just has something different in it that just makes you want to know what happens to the girl. I got a lot of great quotes from the book. Maybe that's why I like it so much.😜

The girl in Room 105

Really good book. I really liked it. I mean Zara you are not that great in person. You did cheat so I don't like you much. And the murderer was not someone I expected. I almost thought it was Keshav. And I loved Golu. So in the book, Keshav loves Zara but they are from different religions so they can't be together. Then Keshav is all sad and shit. And they break up. Then Zara decides to marry Raghu. A geek. Then Zara dies and Keshav was there and somehow everyone thinks it's not him. That's the story and read the book to know who killed her.

One Arranged murder

A sequel to the Keshav Saurabh(Golu's real name) story. Another good one. I found it ironic that in the last book Keshav's ex died and in this one Golu's present gf. Kind of sad. Very sad. But I have to say the big secret of their family was definitely quite big. And it's not always the quiet ones.

Kissing Booth

Better than To all the boys. I really liked Noah. At least the book seemed real. Ell and Noah are made for each other. Really nice book.

The Duff

Really good book. Ok to read. I mean you won't hate it. It's a good book.

13 Reasons Why

I mean you know this book. There is a whole series about it. I can say I liked it. Though it was not Clay's fault. But Courtney fuck her. I hate people like her. Fake people trying to be popular. I don't think she was gay in the book. Only in the series. The book is not for everyone. A lot of people get very sad after reading it. So just be really strong while reading it. 
Everyone loves the dead girl . Right?

Turtles All the Way Down

 Do I really have to say anything about this? I love this book. So much. I love Davis. I love Holmsy. Their little chemistry. There late-night video calls. When she said"And I think he saw something good in the brown of my eyes too" made my heart melt. It is such a good book. The ending was sad but c'mon John Green never gives happy ones(I really like his books though). He should though.

Fault in Our Stars

I read it again, I cried again. Why did you die Augustus? Why?

One of Us is Lying

Beautiful crime novel. Again why so many characters? I liked Bronwyn. Jake was crazy, he needs help. Addy was a mean girl in the start but turned out to be really amazing by the end. I did not expect her to fight the way she did. And I don't sympathize with Simon. I know he died. But let me tell you "Everyone loves the dead guy" that is from Gone Girl. And that is true. You will always like the character who killed himself/herself no matter how bad they were.

400 Days

Again an epic novel by Chetan Bhagat. I have to say Keshav always gets laid by the most beautiful girl in the book. And somehow he also loves all of them. And they love him back. I did not like Alia's mother-in-law. How can you in your possible state of mind ask her if the child is also your sons' and on top of that make her take a test if he is the father or not? Ughh! just disgusting. And people should see what their kids are doing online and who they talk to. I mean everyone should just block people like Roy as soon as they ask for pictures. And Golu had to do so much work just to make him his friend. Lol.

15 books in a year. Not bad for me ;D

Thats all for now. Ciao;)


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