That’s how you navigate an awkward conversation. Just acknowledge the elephant in the room, sidestep, and segue into smoother conversational waters.

Sorry your mom drove her car into a jewelry store while she was high on opioids and had to go to rehab for four months.

Apparently if you’re going to bring someone in, you have to take someone out first.

The sun wakes me up, burning through blinds that clearly weren’t purchased for their room-darkening properties.

I couldn’t bring myself to look at his face at first, but once I did I couldn’t look away.

When you come into the world with another person, they’re as much a part of you as your heartbeat.

Years of reading true-crime books and watching Dateline has taught me anything, it’s this: it’s always the boyfriend

I became Declan Kelly’s brother before I got a chance to be anything else, and sometimes it feels like that’s all I’ll ever be.

After spending our lives in the orbit of a city where everyone’s fighting for recognition, it’s weird to be so effortlessly visible

She was buried in her homecoming dress, and all her friends wore theirs to her funeral, splashes of bright colors in the sea of black.

“I have a really strong feeling that on Wednesdays, they wear pink.”

I’ve never been part of the football-and cheerleading crowd, although I appreciate the athleticism of both.

People think I had something to do with that? What’s next? Am I responsible for global warming now, too?

“Welcome to life in a small town. You’re only as good as the best thing your family’s done. Or the worst.”

Daisy is sugar and spice and everything nice.

“El, we’ve been here three weeks. So far we’ve reported a dead body, gotten jobs at a murder site, and been targeted by a homecoming stalker. Although that last one was all you.

A lifetime of living with Sadie provided a master class in pretending everything’s fine.

“Were you guys close?” I ask. As soon as the words are out of my mouth, I realize I’ve made it sound as though Declan is dead

Between his perfectly bald head and the shadows cast by the Big Top’s stadium lighting, he looks like an exceptionally enthusiastic alien.

“I mean—I could call you, or something. If you want to, you know, talk.”
God. Real smooth.

“Somebody basically drew them a map that was all, hey, hello, here’s my next victim. And she disappeared anyway.”

It happened to be a Chuck E. Cheese’s. I haven’t been to one in years, so I’ve forgotten what a sensory assault they are: flashing lights, beeping games, tinny music, and screaming children.

Because when you’re seventeen, and beautiful, and you’re found murdered in a place known for hookups, what could it possibly be except a crime of passion?

Maybe she’s right. Or maybe he’s just broken in his own way.

She doesn’t look mad anymore. She looks afraid.

“Oh, him too? You’ve got the entire Scooby Gang here while you lay this bullshit on me?”

She looks like she’s back in investigative mode, which I’m starting to realize is her default setting.

I’ve never tried to pick a lock before. But I took Vance’s advice, and I’ve watched a lot of YouTube videos in the past twenty-four hours.

I keep my expression neutral to hide how much I wish he’d shut up.

I didn’t realize till now that I had a preference, but it turns out I do.

“We have screwed-up family histories,” I tell her.
“Morbidity comes with the territory.”

She winds a strand of hair around her finger, which I’m starting to realize is never a good sign.

But Katrin had motive. She had opportunity. That’s two out of the three things you need to commit a crime.

“Are you afraid of clowns?” he asks patiently, like it’s a perfectly normal conversation starter.

And it’s coffee. I’m not asking you for meth.

The message might go over better if she didn’t pour coffee into my Cheerios while she’s saying it.

Damn it all to hell, I still can’t tell if she’s lying. I can’t tell if anyone’s lying.

When I was really young he was like a superhero to me. Later, he was more like a bully. After Lacey died, he turned into a ghost.

Because the answer isn’t yes, but it’s not no, either.

He looks completely relaxed, like we’re chatting about baseball scores or the latest Netflix series.

Your brother saved you, Nana had said. She was right. I just didn’t realize which one.

“Wow. She’s a special kind of horrible, isn’t she?”

Going from a family of three—four, with Nana— to this sudden influx of half siblings, their spouses, and their kids seems like a lot.

Maybe it is, or maybe we’re finally figuring out that we haven’t been normal for years and it’s time to redefine the word.

The bruises from Kyle’s attack are almost gone, just in time for some new ones.

It’s a beautiful day, the kind that makes you think maybe everything will be okay after all.

Secrets shouldn’t be told.

I thought she was your mother.

Thats all for now. Ciao;)


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