Why Microsoft Edge's chatbot is stupid?

Microsoft Edge has this assistant box in the corner and if you click on it you find James. Now, you are here to know why James is stupid? (So I asked the name again and got a new name. I don't know what the chatbot thing is called. These Edge people have given me three names. One was James, one was Cortana and the other I don't remember ) So it's a short story but my fondness for details might make it long. So bear with me.

I got a new laptop in June from my parents. I want to say thank you to my dear parents for it. I mostly use it for online classes. And as you know Microsoft Edge keeps on begging that Please! Please! for the love of God. MAKE US YOUR DEFAULT BROWSER. But everyone sticks to Chrome. Cause we only know chrome and I think it's better. But I'm no tech person so don't take advice from me. Use whatever browser you want. 

Back to the story. So a popup about some quiz on Edge came in my search. So I thought why not. It was about planets. I like space so I was having fun. I don't remember how much I got. After that James who is like the most talkative assistant I know started talking. He is so talkative. Just goes on and on and on. Like that kid in the class who won't shut up even after the teacher told him to shut up. And he seems creepy. I search for something. He pops up and says "Oh you like this I like it too. And what are your hobbies?" First of all, I searched 'How to take a screenshot on a laptop ' I don't know how that got related to my hobbies? Secondly, I wanted to know about "screenshots", not "hobbies". Like I said very annoying chatbot.

Later after I had completed the space quiz the chatbot came back and started talking about food. Food! How is space related to food? See the random questions asked are so strange and not annoying I would say kind of annoy-ish. So to have fun I replied "Jupiter".That right my favourite food to snack on is the entire Jupiter planet. 
Again, as I thought the chatbot started talking about, Jupiter. The reply which came was just wonderful! See it yourself. Here is a picture of it from my phone. 

As you can see chatbots are stupid creatures. I mean I knew Jupiter is not the 4rth planet from the sun, Imagine if someone else who does not already know about this talked to this chatbot. Giving wrong information is not really expected from Edge. I found that this chatbot thing is still kind of in its starting versions so I understand but the Edge people better make it right soon.

Later, I asked this bot the same question and it gave me the right answer. So I guess something made it right. Now let's imagine if Jupiter was in fact our neighbour planet. Earth would look like its kid. Lol

Thank you for reading this. May your today be better than yesterday for you.

Edited- Holy shit this is getting too many views. Can someone tell me how they found this post?
Thats all for now. Ciao ;)


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