It sucks when the person who ruined your life gets to walk around like always.

After spending last summer angsting over whether a three-thousand-mile long-distance relationship
could work, my sister and her boyfriend have settled into a pattern of being inseparable, arguing, breaking up, and getting back together that, oddly, seems to work for both of them.

If you’re searching for signs of intelligent life in the Bayview High junior class, Sean Murdock isn’t where you’ll find it

Everything. It’s too small a word to cover what happened

That was the thing about Simon Kelleher: he knew secrets most people couldn’t even have guessed

just the three of us locked into our side conversation; I don’t think last

“Sometimes you don’t know what you want until you see it,

That’s something I’ll never get used to about apartment living—how being on a single floor makes you acutely aware of where everyone is, all the time.

I have four of them, all older than me, all with K names: Kiersten, Katie, Kelsey, and Kara. We’re like the Kardashians, except without any money.

My mom. You have to give her credit for how tirelessly she champions every single one of my passing interests. Maeve did a play once. Ergo, Maeve loves all plays!

Alcohol doesn’t make me do stuff I wouldn’t otherwise do. It just gives me a push to do things I would’ve done anyway.

“Did you just slit my throat?” She glares at the television screen as Dax Reaper steps over her lifeless body

My sisters treated me like a living doll for years, carrying me around so much that I didn’t bother learning to walk until I was almost two.

“Here’s a life lesson for you, Knox. Fake fruit flavoring is not, and never will be, a vegetable.”

It’s weird, and kind of uncomfortable, to realize you might’ve started outgrowing a thing that used to almost be your whole life.

Sunday dinners with Ito and Ita are basically Maeve Appreciation Night

“What’s up, Maeve?”
My white blood cell count, probably (She had cancer when she was young)

Knox always looks as though he’s not sure he’s supposed to be wherever he is

God, when you graduate you just fall right out of the gossip loop, apparently

Knox has potential, though. Add a few pounds, get a better haircut, amp up the confidence, and—wham. Knox Myers could be a heartbreaker, someday. Just not yet.

There’s a hushed, urgent voice in my head that sounds a lot like the narrator in a wildlife show I used to watch with my dad: Rapid movement will only draw attention from the hungry pack.

I don’t understand why the world insists on stuffing kids into boxes we never asked for, and
then gets mad when we won’t stay there.

” She says it like you’d say, You’re telling me dogs can now talk and drive cars

And Brandon—Brandon is buried and gone.

“Wow, your face is…ouch.”

Even though I’m giving her what she wants, it’s not what she actually needs

How sick does she have to be to forget she was supposed to help Mom out? That’s the kind of thing I’d do.

Kerning. The spacing between the individual letter forms. It’s a typography term

I was okay with the fact that holding a grudge might lose me a friend. But that was when the loss wasn’t a tangible, permanent thing.

What is he?” I ask. He looks like a miniature dinosaur

It’s not enough, but it’s a start

Of course. Because the only thing worse than being on a roof is being on one so windy that you could blow right off.

“I try not to make a big deal out of what a coward I am.”

Thats all for now. Ciao ;)


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